Sunday, July 27, 2003

Rav Nachman of Breslov - 4

Sichot HaRan - 248

"It is good for a person to choose one place and sit there day and night absorbed in studying torah, praying and worshipping G-d. If the person needs to eat, he should run to whatever house and quickly take whatever slice of bread or any other item that will satisfy his hunger. After eating, he should return to his worship."

Very often, we easily get caught up in physical needs, whether it be eating or sleeping (I am definitely not an exception). While we might not be able to seclude ourselves and completely absorb ourselves in the spiritual, we should still strive to improve the proportion of spirituality in comparison to our physicality. Our goal should be, at the very least, to increase our spirituality by just a little and to have a little more self-control, thus centering our attention a little more when we learn and pray.



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