Tuesday, July 29, 2003

Rav Nachman of Breslov - 6

Sichot HaRan - 172

"Rav Nachman gave his old tallit to someone important as a present. He told the person, 'Be very careful to honor this, because the strings of the tallit contain all the tears I spilled before I knew what a tallit really was.'"

The most important things in our lives are the things we earned. We cherish them and want others to as well. Whenever we borrow something of value from another person, whether it has monetary value or sentimental value, we need to be careful in how we treat it.

As a side point, for Rav Nachman, crying was a form of meditative prayer that allowed him to reach higher levels of understanding. He would often extol the virtues of crying during prayer, for through tears G-d would listen. He poured his heart and soul into talking/praying to G-d for everything. Eventually, when this blog begins its look at Rav Nachman's life, one of the things we will discuss is his notion of prayer.



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