Tuesday, December 28, 2004

The perks of working in the back rooms of a library is that I get to glance through books before they go on the shelves. Sometimes I come across something worth sharing. Here is one from this morning:

In a compilation of some of the writings of רב חיים שאול קרליץ ז"ל (R. Hayim Shaul Karelitz z"l), entitled Achat Sha'alti (this is a work containing his hiddushei torah and hashkafa), I saw something interesting which highlights certain educational differences between the haredi world and the Orthodox world I inhabit. As a disclaimer, I have not read everything in this work. This caught my eye so I glanced at them quickly. The rest of the work looks rather interesting to read from the perspective of understanding differences between Modern Orthodoxy and Ultra Orthodoxy.

This piece was written on the 25th of אב (Av) 5758, Summer of 1998.

He said that, in keeping with the teachings of the חזון איש (Hazon Ish), Jewish studies for girls is not permitted except for the basic texts with רש"י (Rashi). Furthermore, this teaching should be done on a basic level without deep investigations into what רש"י (Rashi) is saying. He claimed the only reason for permitting the learning of text and Rashi is to facilitate a connection with G-d and to help them be shining examples to their sons to fulfill the mitzvot and to become G-d fearing Jews. Therefore, the בית יעקב (Beit Yaaqov) schools should continue with this practice.


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