Sunday, January 02, 2005

More conspiracy theories
Pearl Harbor, JFK... 9-11.

Shira and I were walking towards Penn Station last thursday when we heard people advertising a website called NY911truth, a website whose goal is to reveal the "truth" about what happened on September 11. As I am one who has spent much time reading about conspiracy theories over the years, one thing has always struck me. Everyone is connected to everyone. To be in power, you need leverage somehow. Therefore, creating crazy theories, whether they are credible or not, is a waste of time because the truth will never really be known.

Regarding 9-11 specifically, I do not care about the political details, whether President Bush knew or not, whether it could have been prevented or not. The fact is, hindsight is 20/20 and there is one fact that can't be disputed... 3,000 plus people died and two huge buildings, symbols of America, were destroyed. The skyline is empty. Punishment is needed to be meted out for the terrible action. Let me put it this way. Ask yourselves, are you angry with FDR, who might have known about Pearl Harbor, for involving us in a war which in the long run might have saved the world from being overrun by tyranny. It is absolutely horrible to the memory of those who have died for this country to be trying to undermine the means to protecting us from more.

What's next? Are people going to try and explain the conspiracy behind the deaths of 100s of thousands of people in the Tsunami of Southeast Asia? (after writing this line I have come across conspiracy theories discussing why the people weren't warned).

Conspiracy theories are cute alternative reads of history, but when they become rallying cries, then we lose sight of reality.


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